It's Time to Get Away
This past weekend I had the pleasure of going on my first camping trip of the season, with some of my favorite camp buddies. While we'd...

New Moon Tonight
A friend texted earlier that tonight's a new moon. It's perfect timing because I just accepted a new job today. The universe literally...

Lizzy in the Tide Pool
A photo of a photo being taken by the glorious Lizzy. She's working on an exciting project that I will surely be sharing with you soon!...

Tide Pool
Slightly obsessed with the green anemones. #travel #misc

Gone Coastal
My favorite thing about living in Portland is how close it is to so many amazing climates. Snow-capped volcanic mountains, high desert,...

20% Off at New House Textiles
I love British illustrator Charlotte Lucie Farmer (even her name is swell!), and, through her, discovered the lovely and also British...

All Smiles in Fern Canyon
One last shot of friends looking happy. #misc #travel #camping

Fern Canyon Wall
Another photo from my trip to Fern Canyon in the Prarie Creek Redwoods State Park. #camping #misc #travel

Fern Canyon Trip
The very first thing I wanted to share with you were a few photos from a trip I took last year with some amazing friends. T took us down...